Daily Devotions


Day 500

"The Redeemed of the LORD"

Text: Isaiah 62:12


A strong word of encouragement to the faithful was given. They must ever remember that they have been redeemed by the LORD!

“Go through,
Go through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people;
Build up,
Build up the highway!
Take out the stones,
Lift up a banner for the peoples!
Indeed the LORD has proclaimed
To the end of the world:
‘Say to the daughter of Zion,
‘Surely your salvation is coming;
Behold, His reward is with Him,
And His work before Him.”
And they shall call them The Holy People,
The Redeemed of the LORD;
And you shall be called Sought Out,
A City Not Forsaken.'”
Isaiah 62:10-12

1. The work that must be done.

a) To go through.

b) To prepare the way.

c) To build the highway.

d) To take away the stones that hindered progress.

e) To lift up a banner to rally the people.

2. The LORD’s special word to Zion.

a) The people are called affectionately “the daughter of Zion”.

b) The work of salvation was coming.

c) God’s reward was with Him.

d) His work is right before Him.

e) God will save His people.

3. The newly transformed nation.

a) They will be called:

i) “The Holy People”

ii) “The Redeemed of the LORD”

iii) “The Sought Out”

iv) “The city not forsaken”

b) These would be the glorious names that would describe the new Israel.