Daily Devotions


Day 520

"My servants"

Text: Isaiah 65:13


The LORD distinguished between true and false servants. The faithful servants of God would receive His blessings!

“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD:
‘Behold, My servants shall eat,
But you shall be hungry;
Behold, My servants shall drink,
But you shall be thirsty;
Behold, My servants shall rejoice,
But you shall be ashamed;
Behold, My servants shall sing for joy of heart,
But you shall cry for sorrow of heart,
And wail for grief of spirit.'”
Isaiah 65:13-14

1. My servants

a) God called the faithful ones “My servants”.

b) He honoured them by mentioning them specifically.

2. God will provide adequately for His faithful servants.

a) He will provide food and drink.

b) He will cause them to rejoice.

c) Their hearts will sing because they are filled with joy.

3. The unfaithful

a) They may consider themselves as servants of God.

b) But their lives and their deeds would indicate otherwise.

c) They would not enjoy God’s provision and blessings.

d) They would not be honoured by the LORD in any way.

4. What the unfaithful would experience.

a) They would face hunger.

b) They would go thirsty.

c) They would be ashamed.

d) They would have sorrow of heart.

e) They would wail because of the grief that is felt by the spirit.