Youth Worship 29th June 2024 : Let them make Me a sanctuary

Text: Exodus 25:1-22
29 June 2024

YOUTH WORSHIP 29 June 2024
Text: Exodus 25:1-22
Title: “Let them make Me a sanctuary”


1. Going into the study of Exodus 25

a. A continuation of the confirmation of God’s Covenant with Israel recorded in Exodus 24
b. God now commands the building of a Sanctuary

2. Meaning of the word “Sanctuary”:

a. A dwelling place of God
b. A place of worship
c. A spiritual refuge


1. The Presence of God

a. It was manifested in special ways to Israel in the past
i. God manifested His Presence in a pillar of cloud and in a pillar of fire Exodus 13:21
ii. God manifested His Presence with thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud at Mount Sinai Exodus 19:16
b. God would now permanently dwell with Israel through the
Sanctuary Exodus 25:8
i. Because of the confirmation of the Covenantal relationship between God and Israel
ii. God would now be close to His own people

2. Worship of God

a. God’s plan for Israel was to worship and serve Him
b. Israel was meant to be Exodus 19:5-6
i. A special treasure
ii. A kingdom of priests
iii. A holy nation
c. The Sanctuary will now be the place where worship would be offered by Israel to God


1. The offering for building the Sanctuary Exodus 25:1-7

a. It was to be offered willingly and from the heart
b. It was to be of great value, beauty, and quality
c. Only then would God acknowledge the offering as His

2. The pattern for building the Sanctuary Exodus 25:9

a. It will have to be in accordance to God’s design (not man’s)
b. God will show Moses the pattern
c. Moses would then get the people to build it

3. The different parts of the Sanctuary

a. The Tabernacle (Tent) Exodus 25:9
b. Furnishings
c. The Ark (special cabinet) of the Testimony (Covenant) Exodus 25:10


1. More details concerning the Ark of the Testimony Exodus 25:10-22

a. Strong acacia wood to serve as poles for carrying the Ark wherever Israel went
b. The Ark to be overlaid with gold – grand and glorious

2. The Ark of the Testimony

a. This is where the Presence of God would be
b. The different parts of the Ark of the Testimony
i. The Mercy Seat (God’s throne) represents a God who is Merciful Exodus 25:17
ii. The Cherubim (mighty angels serving God) highlights God’s Greatness Exodus 25:18-20
iii. The Testimony (Covenant) placed in the Ark emphasises the importance of the Word of God to Israel Exodus 25:21
iv. God Himself will meet with Moses and speak to him from above the Mercy seat Exodus 25:22


1. Appreciating the Sanctuary of God (the Church today)

a. God’s special place of dwelling among His people
b. A place of worship and a spiritual refuge
c. The Church must always be in accordance to God’s design and Word

2. Our challenge as we come to the Sanctuary of God and meet with Him

a. The Mercies of God must be borne in mind
b. The Greatness of God must be borne in mind
c. The Word of God must be central in our relating to God

3. Our challenge as God’s people

a. God’s desire cf. Exodus 19:5-6
i. For His people to be a kingdom of priests (to serve Him)
ii. For His people to be a holy nation, living sanctified lives
b. The offering and service that we present to God
i. Must be offered willingly and from the heart
ii. Must be beautiful and of high quality