Daily Devotions


Day 3

"Then I looked"

Text: Ezekiel 1:4


The vision given to the prophet was absolutely remarkable. Ezekiel could remember many details of this divine vision given to him.

“Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north,
a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself;
and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst
like the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.”
Ezekiel 1:4

1. The use of symbols.

a) Visions were given to teach deep lessons.

b) Often, symbols were employed.

2. Symbol of a whirlwind.

a) This was something that was remembered.

b) A whirlwind is a symbol of terrifying destructive power.

c) This whirlwind was coming from the north.

i) This was Babylon described symbolically.

ii) It would come with destructive power against Judah.

3. Symbol of a great cloud with raging fire.

a) Cloud and fire were symbols that would be familiar to Israel.

b) They represented the presence of God and His power.

c) But in this context, it was not for the blessing of Israel.

d) The LORD would come to His people to chastise them for their wicked ways.

e) This was an awesome vision for Ezekiel to ponder over.

4. Symbolic brightness.

a) Amidst the above symbols was the “brightness” that surrounded the vision.

b) This brightness was described:

i) Surrounding the whirlwind, cloud and fire.

ii) It was radiating its power amidst the fire.

c) This pointed to:

i) The LORD and His divine presence.

ii) His power is full of glory in its brightness.

iii) That this vision came from the LORD was unmistakable.