Daily Devotions


Day 6

"The hands of a man"

Text: Ezekiel 1:8


The Cherubim were also described as having hands of a man. Once again, we cannot help but see the similarity in Man. Yet, the cherubim were unlike sinful mankind totally!

“The hands of a man were under their wings on their
four sides; and each of the four had faces and wings.”
Ezekiel 1:8

1. “The hands”

a) The hands of Man may be used in a number of ways.

i) They may be used to work hard.

ii) They may be lifted up to God in praise and prayer.

iii) They may be used to do good to his fellowmen.

b) But the hands of Man may also be employed sinfully.

i) He many raise his hands to oppress the poor and needy.

ii) He may use his hands in defiance against God.

iii) He may use his hands in other sinful ways.

2. The wings of the cherubim.

a) This is a feature Man does not have.

b) Wings are distinctive of cherubim.

i) They symbolise power.

ii) They also symbolise speed.

iii) They are a powerful combination.

3. The hands were hidden under their wings.

a) The hands would never be at odds against the wings.

b) The hands would work conjointly with the wings.

c) They would be in perfect harmony.

d) Unfortunately, Man is seldom in harmony, even with himself.

e) Man faces many conflicts within himself.

4. The faces.

a) The cherubim are described as having faces.

b) The face expresses his countenance.

c) The cherubim have a brightness that stands out.

5. Man is so unlike the cherubim.

a) Man and cherubim were both created by God.

b) Whereas Man fell into sin, the cherubim did not.

c) The cherubim though created with great capabilities remained faithful, true to the LORD as His servant.