Daily Devotions


Day 10

"Their appearance was like burning coals of fire"

Text: Ezekiel 1:13


Ezekiel was fascinated by what he saw in this vision. Another attempt was made to describe their appearance.

“As for the likeness of the living creatures,
their appearance was like burning coals of fire,
like the appearance of torches going back and forth among the living creatures.
The fire was bright, and out of the fire went lightning.
And the living creatures ran back and forth, in appearance like a flash of lightning.”
Ezekiel 1:13-14

1. The appearance of the living creatures.

a) Like burning coals of fire.

i) This was the first observation.

ii) The observation went further.

b) Like the appearance of torches.

i) Moving torches.

ii) Activity was noted.

c) The fire was bright.

i) Not embers.

ii) In flames.

d) From the fire:

i) The flames shot out.

ii) The darting flames were compared to lightning.

iii) The vision was not static but alive and dynamic.

2. The activities of the live creatures.

a) They were not sitting around as if they were statues.

b) They were full of energy and life.

c) Their movements were swift and were compared to lightning bolts.

3. The cherubim.

a) They were high on the list of angelic beings.

b) But they were full of activity.

c) They are wonderful examples to emulate.

i) They were high ranking but they were active in service.

ii) Their movements were not tired or sluggish.

iii) Their activities reveal the fact that they were wonderfully alive to do the LORD’s bidding.