Youth Worship 20th July 2024 : Hallow them for ministering

Text: Exodus 29:1-21
20 July 2024


Text: Exodus 29:1-21

Title: “Hallow them for ministering” Exodus 29:1


1. Understanding the Priestly ministry

a) There was once a Priestly ministry
b) Their main area of ministry was at the Tabernacle

2. Exodus 28-29 and Leviticus 8

a) Exodus 28-29 and Leviticus 8 are to be read together
i) The Calling from God Exodus 28
ii) The Consecration of the priests Exodus 29
b) There are many valuable lessons to learn
i) Relevant lessons for the priests
ii) Relevant lessons that are relevant to us today


“And this is what you shall do to them to hallow them for ministering to Me as priests”

Exodus 29:1

1. Meaning of the word “Hallow”

a) To dedicate
b) To devote
c) To sanctify
d) Their consecration reflects the holiness of the Tabernacle ministry

2. The Process of consecration of the priests

a) Ceremonial washing of the priests Exodus 29:4
(Before entering the Tabernacle)
b) The holy garments of the high priest Exodus 29:5-7
i) Tunic
ii) Robe of the ephod
iii) The ephod
iv) The breastplate
v) Woven band of the ephod
vi) Turban on the head
vii) A holy crown on the turban
c) Garments of the priests Exodus 29:8-9
i) Tunics
ii) Sashes
iii) Hats

d) The anointing oil Exodus 29:7

i) To be poured out on him
ii) To anoint him

3. The sacrificial animals

a) One bull as a sin offering Exodus 29:10-14
b) First ram
i) First ram as a burnt offering
ii) Blood to be sprinkled on the altar Exodus 29:15-18
c) Second ram
i) Blood on the right ear Exodus 29:20a
ii) Blood on the right thumb Exodus 29:20b
iii) Blood on the big toe of the right foot Exodus 29:20c
iv) Ram of consecration Exodus 29:22, 27
d) Anointing oil and the blood from the altar
i) To be sprinkled on the high priest
ii) To be sprinkled on the priests
iii) Also on the garments Exodus 29:21
e) Elements of the first wave offering
i) The fat of the ram
ii) The fat tail
iii) Fat of the entrails
iv) The fatty lobe attached to the liver
v) The two kidneys and the fat
vi) The right thigh
vii) One loaf of bread
viii) One cake made with oil
ix) One wafer from the basket of unleavened bread
f) These are to be presented to the LORD Exodus 29:22-24
i) They are to be received back Exodus 29:25a
ii) They are to be presented as a burnt offering Exodus 29:25b
g) Elements of the second wave offering Exodus 29:26-27
i) The breast of the ram of consecration
ii) It is the portion of Aaron
iii) The wave offering (movement from side to side) Exodus 29:27a
h) The heave offering
i) The thigh of the heave offering
ii) For Aaron and his sons Exodus 29:27b
ii) General offering from the children of Israel Exodus 29:28a
iii) Peace offerings Exodus 29:28b

4. The Duration of the Consecration Process

a) 7 Days Exodus 29:30
b) All must remain in the Tabernacle for a whole week Exodus 29:30

5. Partaking of a holy consecration meal

a) Ram of consecration Exodus 29:31a
b) To be boiled in the holy place Exodus 29:31b
c) To eat the lamb and the unleavened bread Exodus 29:32
d) Only the priests
e) This symbolized fellowship with God
f) Also consecration and sanctification Exodus 29:33
g) Any remaining food must be burned Exodus 29:34

6. Consecration of the altar

a) Two lambs of the first year Exodus 29:38a
b) To be offered day by day Exodus 29:38b
i) One lamb in the morning
ii) The other lamb at twilight Exodus 29:39
c) Morning offering
i) Flour and oil
ii) A drink offering Exodus 29:40
d) Twilight (evening offering)
i) Grain offering
ii) Drink offering Exodus 29:41
e) A continual burnt offering
i) At the door of the Tabernacle
ii) Where the LORD would come
iii) He would meet with the people
iv) He would speak to them Exodus 29:42

7. Consecration of the Tabernacle

a) Sanctified by God’s glory Exodus 29:43
b) The Tabernacle and the Altar consecrated
c) Aaron and his sons would minister to
the LORD as His priests Exodus 29:44
d) The LORD would be their God Exodus 29:45
e) He would dwell among the children of Israel Exodus 29:46


1. To stand in awe of a very holy God

2. To serve Him with greater understanding

3. To serve with a sense of holy consecration