Daily Devotions


Day 18

"Stand on your feet"

Text: Ezekiel 2:1


The LORD was going to speak to Ezekiel. There were vital lessons that Ezekiel had to learn about listening to the LORD.

“And He said to me,
‘Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak to you.’
Then the Spirit entered me when He spoke to me, and set me on my feet;
and I heard Him who spoke to me.”
Ezekiel 2:1-2

1. Son of man.

a) This became the standard way in which the LORD addressed Ezekiel.

b) The phrase:

i) It was derived from Psalm 8:4.

ii) It is a basic description of the human being.

iii) He is simply “man”.

iv) He was made lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5).

v) Nevertheless, he is not without honour.

2. Ezekiel had prostrated himself.

a) He had seen the glory of the LORD.

b) He had heard the voice of God.

c) He prostrated himself before the throne of God (Ezekiel 1:28).

i) This was correct.

ii) This was the right response.

iii) But it was not the only response.

3. Stand on your feet.

a) God instructed Ezekiel to stand on his feet.

b) Meaning:

i) He was to give full attention to what God would say to him.

ii) He was to be fully alert.

iii) He was to be ready to act on what God would speak to him.

4. A special work of the Spirit of God.

a) The Holy Spirit entered into Ezekiel.

b) He was the One who set Ezekiel on his feet.

c) He was readying him to listen and to respond.

5. Ezekiel heard the voice of the LORD.

a) It was not just hearing the voice of God.

b) The Spirit’s involvement would suggest that he would be able to discern
what God was saying.

c) The human ears on their own will not be able to discern what God declares.