Daily Devotions


Day 26

"Receive into your heart all My words"

Text: Ezekiel 3:10


Ezekiel would have a ministry of preaching and prophesying. He must first learn the discipline of receiving the Word of God well.

“Moreover He said to me:
‘Son of man, receive into your heart all My words that I speak to you,
and hear with your ears.
And go, get to the captives, to the children of your people,
and speak to them and tell them,
‘Thus says the Lord GOD,’ whether they hear, or whether they refuse.'”
Ezekiel 3:10-11

1. “Moreover”

a) Ezekiel was given a special vision of the living creatures (cherubim).

b) He also caught a glimpse of the throne of God.

c) He was favoured to hear the voice of the LORD.

d) “Moreover” suggests an additional word from God.

2. The Word of God.

a) Ezekiel was but a mortal, “a son of man”.

b) The Word of God must be appropriately received.

i) It must be received into the heart.

ii) The ears must listen carefully and well.

3. Going to the captives in Babylon.

a) The children of his people were indeed captives of the Babylonians.

b) He must speak to them as a prophet of the LORD.

c) He must always say, “Thus says the Lord GOD”.

d) They too must learn how to respond well to the Word of God.

e) How the captives would respond:

i) Some may hear and respond well.

ii) There will be some others who will not receive God’s word at all.