Daily Devotions


Day 29

"I have made you a watchman"

Text: Ezekiel 3:17


Ezekiel struggled within himself for a whole week. On the one hand, there was a feeling of bitterness after he ingested the Word God had given to him. On the other hand, the LORD sought to work within him and he was filled with a sense of astonishment. This struggle lasted for a whole week.

“Now it came to pass at the end of seven days
that the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
‘Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel;
therefore hear a word from My mouth,
and give them warning from Me.'”
Ezekiel 3:16-17

1. The word of the LORD came again.

a) God refrained from speaking to Ezekiel for a whole week.

b) He must overcome his feelings of bitterness first.

c) His human spirit must not overwhelm him.

d) There were many more lessons for Ezekiel to learn.

2. Being a prophet of God.

a) This was not an easy ministry to fulfil.

b) There were dangers to be avoided.

c) His human feelings must not be allowed to affect the ministry given to him.

d) When Ezekiel was more stable and more composed the LORD spoke to him again.

3. A Watchman for the house of Israel.

a) A prophet has a number of tasks.

b) One of them was made clear to Ezekiel.

c) He would be a watchman over the house of Israel.

i) A watchman’s work is quite lonely.

ii) He is to keep watch over the city gates.

iii) He must be alert and observant at all times.

d) He will hear a word from the LORD.

i) This word has to be carefully discerned.

ii) It must be carefully understood first.

iii) Then, Ezekiel must proclaim that word of God to the house of Israel.

iv) If it is a word of warning, then he must preach that word courageously.

v) It would not be an easy ministry to fulfil.