Daily Devotions


Day 64

"A singular disaster"

Text: Ezekiel 7:5-6


The message that Ezekiel must bring to Judah was to be spoken with great feelings. The word of warning must be perceived as something most serious.

“Thus says the Lord GOD:
‘A disaster, a singular disaster;
Behold, it has come!
An end has come,
The end has come;
It has dawned for you;
Behold, it has come!'”
Ezekiel 7:5-6

1. “Thus says the Lord GOD”

a) Judah must know that this was not just the words of a prophet.

b) These words of warning come from the Lord God Himself.

c) These words were to be taken seriously.

2. “A disaster”

a) A calamity was about to descend upon the land.

b) This was called “a disaster”.

c) It was going to be a great (“singular”) disaster.

3. “Behold, it has come!”

a) Ezekiel was to proclaim this word as strongly as he could.

b) He must make all realise that soon the disaster would take place.

c) In fact, “it has come!”

4. “The end has come”

a) Ezekiel must impress upon the people the seriousness of this word.

b) No one must take this word lightly.

c) The impending doom cannot be taken casually.

d) All too frequently, the Lord’s word had been dismissed as if the prophet was just “a doom sayer!”