Daily Devotions


Day 68

"The vision concerns the whole multitude"

Text: Ezekiel 7:13


There were many who were involved in commercial trading. There were the usual buyers and sellers in the main city centre. But when doom comes all would be adversely affected.

“The time has come,
The day draws near.
Let not the buyer rejoice,
Nor the seller mourn,
For wrath is on their whole multitude.
For the seller shall not return to what has been sold,
Though he may still be alive;
For the vision concerns the whole multitude,
And it shall not turn back;
No one will strengthen himself
Who lives in iniquity.”
Ezekiel 7:12-13

1. The day of doom.

a) It drew nearer and nearer.

b) It finally comes.

2. Commercial trade.

a) There would be the buyer.

b) There would be the seller.

c) One or the other would rejoice and the other mourn.

d) In the day of doom, both the buyer and seller would feel the effects of the wrath of the LORD.

3. The vision of doom will affect the multitudes.

a) The seller may think that he should have held back his goods for a higher price.

b) But he cannot regain what he has sold.

c) The buyer rejoices for he thinks he had obtained his goods at a lower price.

d) But when death takes place, no commercial transactions would mean much.

4. Iniquity

a) It has always been part of the commercial world.

b) Many resort to cheating or violence to succeed.

c) Criminals strengthen themselves to gain control.

d) But the vision of the coming wrath revealed that those involved in iniquity would not be able to strengthen themselves.

e) The day of doom would not go well for those who practise iniquity.