Daily Devotions


Day 69

"But no one goes to battle"

Text: Ezekiel 7:14


The Babylonians had laid siege to Jerusalem. Not all were terribly worried. Life seemed more challenging, but it went on. Then came the day when the war trumpet sounded for all in Jerusalem to defend itself desperately against the Babylonian hordes.

“They have blown the trumpet and made everyone ready,
But no one goes to battle;
For My wrath is on all their multitude.
The sword is outside,
And the pestilence and famine within.
Whoever is in the field
Will die by the sword;
And whoever is in the city,
Famine and pestilence will devour him.”
Ezekiel 7:14-15

1. The war trumpet had been blown.

a) The trumpet was blown for the following reasons:

i) To warn the people.

ii) To rally everyone.

iii) To defend the city against the defenders.

b) But there was little or no response.

i) There was inertia.

ii) There was deep fear.

iii) There was resignation.

2. The wrath of the LORD.

a) It was upon the city.

b) No one was able to rally others effectively.

c) The city was virtually paralysed.

3. Dire problems were noted.

a) The sword without.

b) Famine and pestilence within.

4. Death terrified everyone.

a) Those out in the field.
They were slain by the sword.

b) Those in the city.
They died because of famine or the pestilence.