Daily Devotions


Day 75

"Disaster will come upon disaster"

Text: Ezekiel 7:26


The LORD sent a word of warning about the war with the Babylonians. This was a war Judah cannot win. God would not come to their aid this time round.

“Disaster will come upon disaster,
And rumour will be upon rumour.
Then they will seek a vision from a prophet;
But the law will perish from the priest,
And counsel from the elders.
‘The king will mourn,
The prince will be clothed with desolation,
And the hands of the common people will tremble.
I will do to them according to their way,
And according to what they deserve I will judge them;
Then they shall know that I am the LORD!'”
Ezekiel 7:26-27

1. Disaster upon disaster.

a) Many would be slain by the sword.

b) Others would perish because of pestilence.

c) This would be disaster upon disaster.

2. Rumour upon rumour.

a) This was to be expected.

b) News would be spread by word of mouth.

c) With each rumour, other things would be added.

d) These rumours would lead to even greater confusion and despair.

3. Seeking help.

a) Many would seek a vision from a prophet.
But none would be given.

b) Others would seek counsel from the priests and elders.

i) The priest would not be able to give comfort from the law (the Scriptures).

ii) The elders would not be able to give good counsel.

4. The royal family.

a) The king would be mourning.

b) The prince would be in desolation.

c) No one would be spared.

5. The common people.

a) They will tremble.

b) There was no hope or help from anyone.

6. The Lord’s judgment.

a) He will deal with them according to their ways.

b) They will receive the judgment they deserve.

c) The law of the LORD will devastate the nation that had rejected Him in favour of idols.

d) Their wicked would see the heavy hand of God meting out due judgment.