Daily Devotions


Day 87

"Will You destroy all the remnant of Israel?"

Text: Ezekiel 9:8


As Ezekiel saw the slaying of many in Judah, his heart was wrenched. He felt deeply for the nation. He pleaded with the LORD for mercy on the remnant. With all the killing, would the remnant also be destroyed along the way?

“So it was, that while they were killing them, I was left alone;
and I fell on my face and cried out, and said,
‘Ah, Lord GOD!
Will You destroy all the remnant of Israel
in pouring out Your fury on Jerusalem?’
Then He said to me,
‘The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great,
and the land is full of bloodshed, and the city full of perversity;
for they say,
‘The LORD has forsaken the land, and the LORD does not see!””
Ezekiel 9:8-9

1. The slaying of the wicked.

a) In the Temple.

b) In the cities.

c) This was a vision.

i) The warrior angels did not do the slaying.

ii) Their presence was symbolic.

iii) They will be supervising.

2. Ezekiel’s concern.

a) Would all the remnant be slain?

b) Ezekiel could not easily distinguish between the faithful and the false.

c) He was afraid of the fury of God to be poured out on Jerusalem that may result in unnecessary death of the remnants.

d) Could that really happen?

3. God’s gracious response.

a) He had to explain the grave nature of the iniquity of Judah.

i) It was exceedingly great.

ii) The land was full of bloodshed.

iii) The city was full of perversity.

b) The cry of the people.

i) That the LORD had forsaken the land.

ii) That He does not see (care for) the people.

iii) They shifted the blame entirely on the LORD.

iv) They did not admit any wrong on their part.

c) The true remnant would be spared!

i) God makes no mistakes.

ii) There would be no mishaps.