Daily Devotions


Day 88

"I have done as You have commanded me"

Text: Ezekiel 9:11


Ezekiel had pleaded with the LORD to spare the remnant of Israel. How did the LORD answer Ezekiel?

“‘And as for Me also, My eye will neither spare, nor will I have pity,
but I will recompense their deeds on their own head.’
Just then, the man clothed with linen, who had the inkhorn at his side,
reported back and said, ‘I have done as You commanded me.'”
Ezekiel 9:10-11

1. Ezekiel did not distinguish.

a) The wicked from the innocent ones.

b) The idolaters from the faithful.

c) Ezekiel considered all who were in Judah as “the remnant”.

d) This was incorrect.

2. God had already made provision to protect the true remnant.

a) They would be marked.

b) Their names would be recorded as it were in the book of life.

c) They would not perish in the war.

3. God’s judgment would fall on:

a) The wicked

b) The insolent

c) The violent

d) The unrepentant idolaters

4. God had already decreed this.

a) He will not spare.

b) He will not show pity.

c) He will recompense them for their wicked deeds.

5. The report of the angel-scribe.

a) He was sent to mark all the righteous.

b) He will write down their names.

c) The warrior angels would spare those who bore the mark of God.