Daily Devotions


Day 92

"Four wheels by the cherubim"

Text: Ezekiel 10:9


Ezekiel had already seen this vision of the cherubim and the wheels (Ezekiel 1). Once again, the LORD gave him a similar vision of the cherubim and the wheels.

“And when I looked, there were four wheels by the cherubim,
one wheel by one cherub and another wheel by each other cherub;
the wheels appeared to have the colour of a beryl stone.
As for their appearance, all four looked alike—
as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel.”
Ezekiel 10:9-10

1. The ancient world Empires.

a) There were the Assyrians who conquered the Northern kingdom of Israel.

b) There were the Babylonians who conquered the Southern kingdom of Judah.
The Assyrians were defeated by the Babylonians.

c) These would one day be conquered by the Medo-Persians led by King Cyrus.

2. The might of these Empires.

a) These Empires possessed mighty chariots.

b) Chariot power enabled the Empires to defeat weaker nations.

c) Each Empire literally had thousands of chariots.

d) Chariots backed up by cavalry and infantry enabled Empires to be built.

3. The mighty Wheels of the Cherubim.

a) Ezekiel only saw Four Cherubim.

b) Each had one magnificent Wheel.

c) These were profound vehicles beyond human description.

d) How would Four Wheels be able to face the myriads of chariots, horses and countless infantry soldiers of the mighty Babylonians?

4. A simple description of the Wheels were given.

a) The mineral stone beryl has a number of colours.

b) One of the prominent ones was emerald green.

c) These Wheels were seen by Ezekiel in a vision once again.

d) Would these Four Cherubim and their Wheels be sufficient to battle the fearsome Babylonians?