Daily Devotions


Day 96

"And I knew they were cherubim"

Text: Ezekiel 10:20


Ezekiel was a priest and thus understandably had a special love for the temple at Jerusalem. God had to show him why His glory had to depart from the defiled temple. The Lord had to show him what true glory is.

“This is the living creature I saw under the God of Israel by the River Chebar,
and I knew they were cherubim.
Each one had four faces and each one four wings,
and the likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings.
And the likeness of their faces was the same as the faces
which I had seen by the River Chebar,
their appearance and their persons.
They each went straight forward.”
Ezekiel 10:20-22

1. The living creatures at River Chebar.

a) They were identified as the Cherubim.

b) They were mighty angels who served the Lord.

2. The appearance of the Cherubim.

a) They had four faces.

b) They had four wings.

c) They had hands like a man under their wings.

3. Their likeness.

a) Their faces.

b) Their appearance.

c) Their persons.

d) They remained constant and consistent.

4. The glory of the Lord.

a) It was among them.

b) They basked in God’s glory.

c) They had proven themselves faithful.

d) They were the guardians of God’s glory.

5. The sad contrast to man.

a) Their appearances were hypocritical.

i) Outwardly, they worshipped God.

ii) But inwardly, they were devoted to idols.

b) Their faces were evil.

i) They were wicked.

ii) They were violent.

iii) They oppressed the weak.

c) Their persons.

i) They were sinful.

ii) They were defiled.

iii) The glory of God had to depart from such people.