Daily Devotions


Day 105

"I will give you the land of Israel"

Text: Ezekiel 11:17


The words of divine judgment were difficult to hear. The banishment to Babylon was even harder to bear. But there was a precious promise that would be sweet to the faithful.

“Therefore say, ‘Thus says the Lord God:
‘I will gather you from the peoples,
assemble you from the countries where you have been scattered,
and I will give you the land of Israel.’
And they will go there,
and they will take away all its detestable things
and all its abominations from there.'”
Ezekiel 11:17-18

1. The prophecy of being exiled.

a) The exile was forewarned by the prophets.

b) Divine judgment took place and Israel was scattered by the Assyrians and the Babylonian Empires.

2. The prophecy of re-gathering.

a) This was a solemn promise of the Lord.

b) This was a glorious word of encouragement.

3. Some details of God’s plan released.

a) God will gather His people.

b) They will be gathered from different countries.

c) The Lord will bring them back to their Promised Land of Israel.

d) The Lord Himself would do this regathering.

4. One special thing to note.

a) When Israel returns.

b) Idolatry would become a thing of the past.

c) The idols were described candidly by the Lord as:

i) Detestable things

ii) Abominations

d) This word was literally fulfilled when Ezra and Nehemiah led exiled groups back to Israel.