Daily Devotions


Day 111

"So I did as I was commanded"

Text: Ezekiel 12:7


Ezekiel proved himself to be a good and faithful servant. He obeyed the Lord’s command fully.

“So I did as I was commanded.
I brought out my belongings by day, as though going into captivity,
and at evening I dug through the wall with my hand.
I brought them out at twilight, and I bore them on my shoulder in their sight.
And in the morning the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
‘Son of man, has not the house of Israel, the rebellious house, said to you,
‘What are you doing?””
Ezekiel 12:7-9

1. “I did as I was commanded”

a) Ezekiel trusted the Lord.

b) He heard the Lord’s command.

c) He did what he was instructed to do.

2. His actions.

a) He carried his belongings.

b) He dug through the city wall.

c) He did it at twilight.

d) All of these things were done in plain sight of the people.

3. The next morning.

a) The Lord checked in on Ezekiel.

b) This was encouraging.

c) Ezekiel was not alone.

d) The Lord asked Ezekiel a question.

i) Did the rebellious house of Israel say anything to him?

ii) Did they ask him what he was doing?