Daily Devotions


Day 147

"I anointed you with oil"

Text: Ezekiel 16:9


The Lord’s deep work for Israel is often overlooked. The reality is that God needed to do a deep work in Israel.

“Then I washed you in water;
yes, I thoroughly washed off your blood,
and I anointed you with oil.
I clothed you in embroidered cloth
and gave you sandals of badger skin;
I clothed you with fine linen and covered you with silk.”
Ezekiel 16:9-10

1. A deep cleansing work.

a) The idea of “washing” has to do with cleansing.

b) All the dirt and filth must be washed away.

c) “Blood” is a subtle reference to:

i) Bloodshed

ii) Violence

iii) Wicked sins

d) All trespasses, sins and iniquities had to be cleansed.

2. Anointing with oil.

a) Cleansing was only a part of the needed deep work of God.

b) The anointing of oil is a gentle reference to the Holy Spirit being given.

i) The Spirit of God is given as a Seal.

ii) He is also the Guarantee.

iii) In this way, Israel was anointed to be the Lord’s!

3. Glorious clothing.

a) This is a reference to God’s provision.

b) And God’s provision was described gloriously:

i) Embroidered cloth
This was costly clothing.

ii) Sandals of badger skin
This was an extra touch.

iii) Fine linen and silk
This is a description of wealth and luxury.

c) The Lord’s provision:

i) Abundance

ii) Amazing