The prophecies spoke of the Messiah as a King;
He would be a Rod, to represent His Kingly Being.
He would come from the humble stock of Jesse;
But He would come with God’s grace and mercy.
He would be Anointed with the Spirit of God;
But few had learned how to relate to the Lord.
The Messiah determined that He would not fail;
With the Spirit filling Him, He would prevail.
He knew that He would need more than anointing;
He must humbly and faithfully seek the Spirit’s filling.
All that He needs would be met, to fulfil His ministry;
The Spirit of God would enable and empower Him fully.
The Seven-Fold Spirit of God would grant great power;
The Messiah would find all He needs at every hour.
Many kings had failed miserably in the responsibilities given;
But the Rod of the stem of Jesse would keep to God in Heaven
Inspiration: Isaiah 11:1-2
Charles Tan