Daily Devotions


Day 199

"They rebelled against Me"

Text: Ezekiel 20:8


Israel had a long history of rebellion. The Lord highlighted this because it was a major problem that had not been fully resolved!

“But they rebelled against Me and would not obey Me.
They did not all cast away the abominations which were before their eyes,
nor did they forsake the idols of Egypt.
Then I said, ‘I will pour out My fury on them
and fulfil My anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.’
But I acted for My name’s sake,
that it should not be profaned
before the Gentiles among whom they were,
in whose sight I had made Myself known to them,
to bring them out of the land of Egypt.”
Ezekiel 20:8-9

1. When did the rebellion start?

a) In the days of Moses.

b) The Books of Exodus and Numbers record the recurring problem of rebellion.

2. What were some of the acts of rebellion?

a) Disobedience was a major concern.

b) Idolatry was another major problem.

c) Abominable deeds were a close third.

3. What was God’s initial response?

a) He warned Israel about His fury.

b) He warned Israel that He would pour out His anger against the rebels.

c) These problems existed even when Israel was still in Egypt.

i) They did not believe that Moses would be able to help them.

ii) The children of Israel were caught up with their problem of life so much that they found it hard to believe in God and His promise of deliverance.

4. What moved God to continue to help Israel?

a) It was for His own name’s sake.

b) He did not want His name to be profaned by people.

c) God had already begun to make Himself known among the Gentiles (The Egyptians).

d) He had already made it known to Pharaoh that He would take His people out of Egypt.

e) Pharaoh resisted strongly but at the end of 10 plagues, all resistance had broken down.

f) God had preserved the honour of His holy name.