Daily Devotions


Day 200

"I gave them My statutes"

Text: Ezekiel 20:11


The Lord provided for Israel in many ways. There was deliverance from Egypt. There was protection given too. On top of it all, God gave to Israel His statutes and judgments!

“Therefore I made them go out of the land of Egypt
and brought them into the wilderness.
And I gave them My statutes and showed them My judgments,
‘which, if a man does, he shall live by them.’
Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths,
to be a sign between them and Me,
that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them.”
Ezekiel 20:10-12

1. The exodus

a) God had made Pharaoh release the children of Israel from their servitude.

b) Over a million people marched out of Egypt with God leading them.

2. The wilderness

a) The journey to Canaan would take them through a wilderness.

b) On this journey, God would reveal to Israel:

i) His presence.

ii) His power.

iii) His provision.

iv) His protection.

3. God’s great gifts

a) His statutes.

b) His judgments.

c) Through keeping them diligently, Israel would live.

4. A special sign

a) This was not a reference to the Cloud of Glory or the Fire of Glory.

b) This was a quiet sign that few knew how to appreciate.

c) The Sabbath was a special sign between God and the children of Israel.

d) What was the significance of the Sabbath?

i) The children of Israel were meant to keep the Sabbath holy.

ii) The Sabbath was a reminder that God had sanctified them to be His own people.

iii) The keeping of the Sabbath was a special way of remembering they were God’s special and precious children.