Prepare Yourself


Graciously the Word of the Lord is given to man,
His words are truly “Spirit and Life” if we understand.
But few know how to appreciate this glorious gift from God,
Faith in God’s word makes one a mighty servant of the Lord.

God’s part is to give us His word that we may grow,
The Spirit of God enlightens us till our face truly glows.
But we must take the trouble to hide His word in our heart,
His word was meant to take centre place and not just a little part.

The wise servant of God must seek to know His word deeply,
It takes diligence and perseverance to know the Scriptures richly.
The true servant must long to have that “Word from the Lord,”
He must keep seeking and praying as a faithful servant of God.

Great is the blessing when the servants of God train well,
His stirring messages will rescue many from the jaws of hell.
Great is the need for servants of God who are more than conquerors today,
May there be a great desire from our hearts to read the Scriptures without delay!

Inspiration: Jeremiah 1:18