I will heal your backsliding
The heart is heavy and laden with sins of wickedness,
It has forgotten the Lord and forsaken His righteousness!
The woes of life abound and threaten to hurt deep within,
How merciful the Lord is to offer forgiveness of all our sins!
The heart is convicted and comes to the Lord in brokenness,
The sinner beats his breasts, cursing himself for foolishness!
The soul is sick and wallows in weakness and unbelief,
Tears come and the soul cries out to God for some relief!
“I will heal your backsliding”- what a glorious word this is!
The soul cannot hesitate but runs to the Lord in grateful bliss.
The heart desires to be made clean in every possible way,
May the Lord begin His cleansing from this very day!
The need now is to break up ground that has lain fallow for years,
The ground must have torrents of water shed through copious tears.
No more will the soul remain in idleness and foolish pursuits of the age,
It is deeply moved that the Lord will yet bless His precious heritage.
Inspiration: Jeremiah 3:22