Daily Devotions


Day 218

Psalm 29:10b "The LORD sits as King forever"

Day 218 – Psalm 29

“The LORD sits as King forever” Psalm 29:10b


What was the point of the psalmist David when he kept repeating the phrase “the voice of the LORD?” Was He trying to say something special about the actual or literal voice of God? The answer is “No!”

The “voice of the LORD” was David’s special and poetic way of describing the LORD Himself.

“The LORD sat enthroned at the Flood,
And the LORD sits as King forever.

The LORD will give strength to His people;
The LORD will bless His people with peace.”
Psalm 29:10-11

1. Consider the number of times the word “LORD” was used in Psalm 29

This word was used 18 times in just eleven verses! The “voice of the LORD” is His special way of exercising His sovereignty over the earth and His people!

2. Contemplating the Attributes of the LORD in awe:-

The attributes of the LORD are wonderfully exhibited in His care and control over His creation. Through them the following truths are evidenced.

a) God of Glory (Psalm 29:1b)
b) God of great Strength (Psalm 29:1b)
c) God who is all-powerful (Psalm 29:4b)
d) God who is full of Majesty (Psalm 29:4b)

3. Contemplating what the Lord would do for His people

a) He sits as King.
i) He sat as King when the Great Flood came (Psalm 29:10a; Genesis 7).
ii) The Lord sits as King forever (Psalm 29:10b).
b) He will relate to His people in two marvelous ways:-
i) He will give them strength (Psalm 29:11a)
ii) He will bless His people with peace (Psalm 29:11b)