Daily Devotions


Day 147

2 Peter 1:3a "As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness..."

Day 147 – Mark 6

“As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness…”
2 Peter 1:3a


How did the Disciples react when they saw the multitudes? Their intended break was virtually over even before they had time to fully enjoy it! How the Disciples reacted, we do not know, but we do know how Jesus responded.

“And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude
and was moved with compassion for them, because
they were like sheep not having a shepherd.
So He began to teach them any things.”
MARK 6:34

1. A Change of Plans

The short break that was planned had to be temporarily shelved. This was another vital lesson for the Disciples to learn. They would have to be swift and dynamic to changes that could take place without notice.

2. No resentment felt

No resentment must be felt in the heart. The needs of the multitudes must be given due consideration, over and above all personal feelings.

3. Moved with compassion

If the Disciples wondered how Jesus felt as He saw the multitudes, they would have seen Him deeply moved with compassion. It is likely that He spoke to His disciples about how He saw the multitudes.

4. Sheep without a shepherd

To a shepherd, this thought would evoke powerful feelings of deep compassion. Any shepherd would be moved to respond to the needs of his sheep. He would tend to their needs, simply because he was a good shepherd. How much more Jesus, that great Shepherd of the souls of men!


What was their greatest need? Would it be healing of the diseased? Would it be casting out demons? There would always be such needs. And Jesus would always reach out a loving and compassionate hand.

But there was an even greater need that needed His attention! The multitudes were in need of spiritual food. They needed to be taught wonderful spiritual truths! Far more important than any physical need would be the need of the soul to be fed vital spiritual food.

The moment the boat had docked, Jesus “began to teach them many things”. They needed to know how they may enter into the Kingdom of God. They needed to know that in that Kingdom God would be their Father. They needed to know that they were deeply loved by a wonderful Heavenly Father. How Jesus yearned for their souls!