Daily Devotions


Day 271

Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you "Acts 2:29a"

Day 271 – Mark 12


Jesus went on the offensive against the scribes in particular. There was little need to speak against the Herodians. They were not popular and many did not see them as great role models in the first place. The Pharisees were a closely-knit sect. One could not just go up and join them easily. The scribes were singled out for mention because they were the more respectable out of the three.

“Then He said to them in His teaching,
‘Beware of the scribes”
MARK 12:38


Jesus made no apology concerning what He was going to say next. What He was going to utter was actually common knowledge. Many held the same views, but did not possess the courage or the skill to articulate what they knew to be true.

“Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around
in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces,
the best seats in the synagogue, and the best places at feasts,
who devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense
make long prayers. These will receive the greater condemnation.”
MARK 12:38-40

Perhaps for the first time, the multitudes heard Someone brave enough to give a critical but accurate appraisal of the pompous scribes.

1. Long robes

a) The common labourer would never walk around in such clothing.
b) Their clothing distinguished them from the common laborers.
c) Their clothing placed them as belonging to the privileged class of scholars.

2. Love Greetings in the marketplaces

a) The scribes like to be recognized in public.
b) Their egos get a big boost when people in the street recognize and acknowledge them in public.
c) The scribes obviously loved ostentation.

These words may have been scathing, but they were nonetheless true. Jesus could not even be charged with exaggeration!