Daily Devotions


Day 281

Then Peter said to them, 'Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ f "Acts 2:38a"

Day 281 – Mark 13

“Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins'” Acts 2:38a


Grim were the words Jesus uttered as He revealed what the end days would be like. Yet, those grim words were only “the beginning of sorrows”. More severe trials lay ahead. Jesus called it “tribulation”.

“For in those days there will be tribulation,
such as has not been since the beginning of the creation
which God created until this time; nor ever shall be.”
MARK 13:19

1. Severity of tribulation

Jesus hinted at the severity of this tribulation period. However, His words were at best cryptic.

2. Description of this tribulation period

a) There is really no comparison.
b) Whatever mankind has faced in the past cannot be compared to this tribulation.

What are some of the trials mankind has encountered in the past? To name but a few:-
i) Wars
ii) Earthquakes
iii) Famines
iv) Persecution/oppression


The Book of Revelation is the book we need to be familiar with. The Lord Jesus gave further revelation to John, the beloved disciple, concerning this tribulation period. John warns that this period of tribulation would have one major feature- demonic involvement.

1. Powerful demons would be allowed to afflict the earth (Cf. Revelation 9).
2. The Anti-Christ would also appear and he would wreak havoc.
3. Millions would perish because of the onslaught of the Anti-Christ.

Truly, no period of history can compare with the tribulation yet to come!