Daily Devotions


Day 257

More About Serving the Lord

Text: Matthew 20 : 1 - 16

Jesus had devoted three years of His life to public ministry. Many were touched and blessed by His teaching. Arguably the most privileged group of people were the disciples, because they not only saw the many mighty miracles Jesus performed, they were given explanations as to the meaning and significance of the signs and wonders done! One of the most important lessons that the disciples could or should have learned was about what it meant to serve God. They had the best Teacher ever! He taught in the most powerful way – by example! Yet, the disciples did not seem to have learnt their lessons well. They struggled with the question of personal greatness. They thought in terms of what they would be rewarded with if they were to serve well. The hour was late. Jesus was nearing the last week of His life on earth! The challenge was obvious! He had to set aside time to teach His disciples many more deep and precious lessons about what it really meant to serve God! (There is a subtle link between Matthew 19 and 20. The link is the subject of service. Jesus gave a parable to the disciples to help them think through what it really meant to serve)!


Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God in at least three ways. Let us consider these three things that He taught.

1. The Nature of the Kingdom of heaven

A good description of the nature of the kingdom of heaven is found in the “Kingdom parables” (Matthew 13). Jesus expounded on different aspects of the kingdom of heaven in a series of striking parables.

2. Salvation and the Kingdom of God

Jesus proclaimed that the kingdom of heaven was near at hand. He was there personally to invite people to enter into the kingdom of heaven (Cf. Matthew 19:16-30).

3. Service in the Kingdom of God

Both Matthew 19 and 20 recorded aspects of Jesus’ teaching on the subject of serving in the kingdom of heaven.


In the parable of “The Workers in the Vineyard” Jesus taught His disciples deep lessons about what it means to truly serve (Cf. Matthew 20:1-16). Let us look at some of the lessons that Jesus sought to highlight in this parable.

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner
who went out early in the morning to hire labourers
for his vineyard.”

A dramatic element is added in this kingdom parable. The theme is now on the subject of service rather than salvation. This was the new element added.


The landowner had a very extensive vineyard. There was a great need of labourers in his vineyard. In this parable, two types of labourers were highlighted!

“Now when he had agreed with the labourers for a denarius a day,
he sent them into his vineyard.”

This text described the first type of labourers who worked in the vineyard. This set of labourers worked out an agreement concerning how much they were to be paid for their service!

There was a second type of labourers. This is beautifully described in the following text.

“And he went out about the third hour and saw others
standing idle in the market place, and said to them,
‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right
I will give you.’ So they went.
Again he went out about the sixth hour and the ninth hour,
and did likewise. And about the eleventh hour he went out
and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why have
you been standing here idle all day?’
They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them,
‘You also go into the vineyard and whatever is right
you will receive.’ ”
MATTHEW 20:3-7

The second set of labourers did not work out an agreement with the landowner. They were more than grateful that their whole day had not been entirely wasted. They were grateful that they were asked to work at all!


It was customary for daily rated workers to get their pay at the end of the working day. The steward of the landowner saw to the payment of the workers.

“Call the labourers and give them their wages,
beginning with the last to the first.
And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour,
they each received a denarius.”
MATTHEW 20:8b-9

How surprised and grateful these workers must have felt! Surely they did not deserve a full day’s wages! How gracious and kind the landowner was to have paid them as He did! They could have gone home empty-handed but now they had wages in hand.