Daily Devotions


Day 83

The gospel was preached to us as well as to them...

Text: Hebrews 4:2


We often assume that the Gospel is associated only with the New Testament. The author of Hebrews offers a fascinating approach to the subject of preaching the Gospel in the days of old.

“For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well
as to them.”
Hebrews 4:2a

How should we understand this text?

1. Indeed (kai)

a) The particle “kai” is a simple conjunction.
b) Most times it is translated simply as “and”.
c) In the right context it may be translated as “indeed” (as in this case).
d) The translators (NKJV) must have felt that this was the point that the author of Hebrews wanted to communicate.

2. The Gospel

a) In the technical sense the word “gospel” is a New Testament word.
b) This was a word used by the Gospel writers to introduce their writings (Cf. Mark 1:1)

3. Non-exclusive

a) However it would be wrong to limit the word “gospel” to just the New Testament.
b) The author used the word “gospel” in a “non-exclusive” manner.

4. A working definition of the word “gospel”

a) In its generic sense it simply means “good news”.
b) God’s word to Israel would indeed be “good news”.
i) Words of promise of salvation were given.
ii) Words of blessing were also uttered.

Hence the word “gospel” (good news) may be used with reference to the Old Testament.