Daily Devotions


Day 251

Acts 2:16 "But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel..." Acts 2:16"

Day 251 – Mark 11

“But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel…” Acts 2:16


Herod the Great developed the Temple precincts in such a way that there were many beautiful cloisters. People could actually enjoy little walks in the Temple grounds. They were designed to enhance the beauty of the Temple.

“Then they came again to Jerusalem.
And as He was walking in the temple, the chief
priests, the scribes and the elders came to Him.”
MARK 11:27

1. The temple merchants stayed out

The temple merchants must have known that Jesus was around, and so they did not try and set up shops. Thus Jesus and His disciples were able to walk in the Temple grounds.

2. The religious leaders

These were the ones who had been conspiring together. They wondered how best they could put Jesus to death, short of assassinating Him. These men confronted Jesus.


The chief priests, the scribes and elders represented the religious hierarchy. They minced no words but came straight to the point.

“And they said to Him,
‘By what authority are You doing these things?
And who gave You this authority to do these things?'”
MARK 11:28

1. These things

Two things stand out prominently:-

a) A reference to the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
b) A reference to the cleansing of the Temple.

2. By what authority

a) This was no rhetorical question.
b) The religious leaders wanted straight answers from Jesus.
c) Did they suspect each other perhaps? (There were factions in the Sanhedrin council)

3. Who gave you this authority?

This was essentially a variation of the first question.