Daily Devotions


Day 137

Luke 11: 1-13 "FORGIVE US OUR SINS..." Luke 11:4"

Day 137 – Luke 11

Text: Luke 11: 1-13


One of the most personal dimensions of prayer must be this aspect taught in “The Lord’s Prayer.” The plea for forgiveness of sins must be carefully understood and practised! Few understand the significance of the asking of forgiveness of sins!


There are a number of passages in the Old Testament that may be spoken of as “classic examples.” In these chapters, we have deeply moving prayers offered to God and all contribute significantly to our understanding of what it truly means to ask God for forgiveness of sins.

1. Pleading for forgiveness when God was so angry at Israel’s idolatry that He threatened to destroy the whole nation (Exodus 33-34).

a) In that classic example of intercession, Moses fasted for forty days and nights, seeking God’s full forgiveness.
b) Moses alone realized the full extent of God’s anger with the heinous sin of turning away from God and choosing idols instead.

2. King David, though dearly loved by the Lord, was nevertheless a human being. From time to time, he sinned grievously against God. In those moments of great penitence, he wrote two special psalms. These two penitential psalms are classics.

a) Psalm 32 sees David struggling with unconfessed sins. He realized that where sin was not confessed, he would only end up hurting himself deeply.
b) Psalm 51 offers a deep insight into how David sought more than forgiveness. Yes, forgiveness was of great importance, but seeking the Lord for a “clean heart” and a “steadfast spirit” was also of paramount importance.

3. In the exilic period, Daniel offered a heart-rending prayer, confessing the sins of the nation of Israel. The context of Daniel’s prayer of confession is most fascinating. He was seeking to understand God and the revelation that Jeremiah had received from Him. Jeremiah had been given a prophetic revelation that Israel would be in captivity for 70 years after which God would restore the nation. The Lord had only given a brief word to Jeremiah. Daniel now sought to understand this revelation better. Through years of practice, he knew that the best way to commune with God and to seek His favour is through confession. Thus Daniel offered a prayer of deep contrition. In his prayer, he confessed before God the many sins of Israel. There is only one way to deal with the problem of sin effectively – confess sin to God with deep contrition!

4. The last example to be cited belongs to the post-exilic period. Ezra had returned from captivity to Jerusalem. One of the major problems that he had to deal with was the fact that many of his fellow countrymen had deserted the basic essentials of their faith. They had inter-married with unbelievers. Ezra felt that there was only one way to deal with this problem. He felt the deep need to confess the sins of Israel before a holy and righteous God. Confession was the right thing to do. There is no sense in attempting to deny or plead in mitigation. Seeking forgiveness through confession is the only way to go.


How well do we understand the nature of sin? How well do we understand forgiveness of sins? It just seems so easy to ask for forgiveness of sins. Consequently, we tend to take sin too much for granted.

In order to teach His disciples how to appreciate the forgiveness of sins, the Lord Jesus added this clause… “for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.” This statement cannot be uttered easily!

Imagine someone owing you money. That person becomes indebted to you. If he does not pay, the debt that he owes becomes a stumbling block. Whatever friendship or relationship that existed in the past is now gone, because of the “debt.”

The Lord Jesus taught His disciples that there must be “forgiveness.” Only when we have understood forgiveness can we say that we understand God’s forgiveness. The act of forgiveness includes the following:-

1. A dept is fully cancelled.

2. The debtor does not have to repay a single cent.

3. The creditor does not bring up the issue of being indebted anymore.

4. If there has been a breakdown of relationship – that has been fully restored!

That is a tall order! However, that is the true picture of confession and forgiveness! Is it hard to practise the above? Only when we recognize how difficult it is to forgive will we understand what it means to ask for forgiveness.


A careful study of the penitential psalms would teach us how we can (and should) practise penitence. The features of true penitence will include the following:-

1. There comes a great sense of conviction of sin in the heart and with this conviction come tears! The penitent sinner weeps copiously because he realizes just how awful his sins must be in the sight of a holy and righteous God.

2. The heart recognizes that a “sin-barrier” now exists and it is like a great wall separating us from God! The heart weeps at the thought of being estranged from the Lord.

3. The penitent sinner desires only one thing – to be fully restored to the Lord, and for this restoration he seeks God with all his heart, soul mind and strength.

4. The sins that hinder are brought to the attention of the Lord. Forgiveness is sought, and tears are shed freely, till forgiveness is given. (Sometimes, fasting is entered into as a natural follow-up. The body has no desire for food at all, because the soul is estranged from God).


The proclamation of God’s Name in Exodus 34:6-7 is highly instructive. This special revelation of God was given to Moses in response to his intercession for Israel…

“The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgressions and sin,…”
Exodus 34:6-7

God will forgive every iniquity, transgression and sin!

Webmaster’s Note :

If you are seeking a deeper level of understanding of prayer, please check out Pastor Charlie Tan’s excellent weekly articles on The Theology of Prayer , which includes a more indepth study of The Lord’s Prayer and how it applies to our prayer-life.