Daily Devotions


Day 318

"Pursue peace... and holiness..."

Text: Hebrews 12:14


What are some vital things that the child of God must determine to pursue? There are numerous worthy pursuits! The author suggests two special “categories”. (It seems wiser to classify “peace” and “holiness” as “categories” rather than just specific elements).

“Pursue peace with all people and holiness,
without which no one will see the LORD:”
Hebrews 12:14

1. Pursue peace with all people

a) In this category, there is a horizontal focus.
b) The concentration is with reference to people.
c) There are all kinds of people and they are not always easy to get along with. (The following groups have been noted in the Book of Hebrews):
i) Sinful people.
ii) Weak people.
iii) Strong people who possess genuinely strong faith.
d) People relationships are not easy to develop and sustain:-
i) Learning to live in peace with people is a worthy goal.
ii) A correct perspective is needed in order to attain peace.
iii) A strong spirit is also vital to maintain a relationship of peace.

2. Pursue… holiness without which no one will see the Lord

a) This is best seen as a “category” that emphasizes the vertical relationship.
b) Every child of God would desire to be like His heavenly Father who is Holy.
c) Every child of God desires to be able to “see the Lord”.
i) A reference to a close relationship with the Lord.
ii) A reference to a strong and vital walk with God.