Daily Devotions


Day 129

"He became the author of eternal salvation..."

Text: Hebrews 5:9b


We often take for granted this great gift of “eternal salvation”. We must do better in making sure that we do not take for granted this great and glorious gift!

1. We must take time to ponder the concept of “eternity”.

2. We must take time to ponder our salvation:-

a) We are saved from Divine wrath.
b) We are saved from judgment and condemnation (penalty of our sins).
c) We are saved from the clutches of the devil.
d) We are saved from the power of sin.


We can enhance our appreciation of our salvation in another way! Let us take time to ponder how Jesus “became the author of eternal salvation” .

1. The author (“aitios”)

a) The essential idea behind the word “author” is “Source”.
b) Jesus is the Source of our eternal salvation.

2. How did Jesus become the Author of our eternal salvation?

a) He had to become flesh and blood.
b) He had to be fully identified with man (fully man with all the intrinsic weaknesses).
c) He had to learn all the lessons associated with life as man.
i) He had to learn obedience.
ii) He had to suffer (in obedience to God’s plan/requirement).
iii) He had to taste death for every one.

It was not easy for Jesus to become the author of our eternal salvation!