Daily Devotions


Day 209

"The golden censer..."

Text: Hebrews 9:4a


The following text offers an interesting interpretive challenge. The golden censer was mentioned with reference to the “Holiest of All”.

“Which had the golden censer…”
Hebrews 9:4a

1. Technically, the Holy of Holies contained only the Ark of the Covenant.

2. The “Golden censer” was not physically located in the Holy of Holies.

3. How may we understand the author of Hebrews when he wrote as he did?

a) Understanding the significance of the Golden censer:-
i) The Golden Censer is the “Altar of Incense” (Cf. Exodus 30:1-10)
ii) Incense represented the prayers offered on behalf of the nation.
b) The possible reasons for the focus on the “Golden Censer”:-
i) The focus was the subject of prayer.
ii) The place of prayer is highlighted here.
iii) It is seen as being so vital that the author discussed the Golden Censer with reference to the Holy of Holies.
iv) To pray (and truly this is the case) is to enter into the Holiest of All- into the very presence of God.
c) In the Old Testament
i) The idea of praying and entering into the Holiest of All was not a well-known concept.
ii) The concept of prayer did not have the depth or dimension that the New Testament offered.
d) In the New Testament
i) To pray to God was to step into the Holy of Holies!
ii) The Golden Censer is discussed here to highlight the place of prayer.