Daily Devotions


Day 149

Psalm 54:4a "Behold, God is my helper..."

Day 149 – Psalm 54

“Behold, God is my helper…” Psalm 54:4a


There must have been a great surge of confidence in God after David prayed. The tone of the next verse indicates a significant shift in how he felt.

“Behold, God is my helper;
The LORD is with those who uphold my life.”
Psalm 54:4

1. “Behold, God is my helper”

a) David began his prayer with addressing the Lord formally; simply as “God”.
b) Now he speaks of God as his “Helper”.
c) The word “Behold” must be read in the following way:-
i) David calls for attention to God as his Helper.
ii) There was a new sense of confidence and strength in his heart.
iii) There must have been a new surge of confidence drawn from his faith in God.
iv) He spoke with much assurance that God would indeed vindicate him and be his strength.

2. “The LORD is with those who uphold my life”

a) The Presence of the Lord is in mind here.
b) David was confident that God was indeed with him.
c) But there was something else he was very assured of:-
i) There were those who were his friends and allies.
ii) These sought to uphold his life, believing in him.
iii) David expressed confidence that God’s presence would also be with those who upheld him and supported him faithfully.