Daily Devotions


Day 223

Psalm 61:5a "My vows..."

Day 223 – Psalm 61

“My vows…” Psalm 61:5a


Making vows to God in prayer was something that David seemed to be quite familiar with. We have another mention of vows in the following text.

“For You, O God, have heard my vows…”
Psalm 61:5a

1. This was not the first time David made vows.

2. Let us ponder the references to vows that David had made in two other psalms.

“I will pay my vows before those who fear Him.”
Psalm 22:25

“Vows made to You are binding upon me, O God.”
Psalm 56:12


How did David understand and practise the making of vows?

1. “For You, O God, have heard my vows” Psalm 61:5

a) Vows were made consciously to God.
b) Vows were solemn oaths (sacred promises) made to God.
c) God is said to have:-
i) Heard the vows.
ii) Accepted the vows.

2. Expectations

a) The person who has made the vow is expected to keep his vow.
b) He recognises that there are severe consequences if he does not conscientiously fulfil all that he has vowed.

3. David’s practice of keeping his vows

a) Vows were binding oaths to David (Psalm 56:12).
b) He determined that he would always honour his vows made to God.
c) The fulfilment of vows would be publicly announced (Psalm 22:25).