Daily Devotions


Day 158

Psalm 78:62a "He also gave His people over to the sword..."

Day 158 – Psalm 78

“He also gave His people over to the sword…” Psalm 78:62a


How did God feel when He made this decision to allow His people to go into captivity? We have a glimpse of how God must have felt when He made this decision.

“He also gave His people over to the sword,
And was furious with His inheritance.”
Psalm 78:62

1. “His people”

a) God never forsook His people.
b) He may have forsaken the tabernacle at Shiloh.
c) But Israel remained close to His heart.
d) They were still “His people”.

2. “His inheritance”

a) Israel’s inheritance was the land of Canaan.
b) It was “the holy land” that God had given to His people.
c) Israel’s inheritance was wonderful.
d) God’s inheritance was His people.
i) A people who had turned against Him.
ii) A people who preferred to worship carved images.
iii) A people who had forgotten all that He had done for the nation.

3. “He also gave His people over to the sword”

a) The word “captivity” would also include “the sword”.
b) Israel would now go once again into war.
c) Many would fall by the sword of the enemy.
d) Israel would understand the fury of the enemy in war.
e) Perhaps it would now understand the fury of God with His people for turning to idols.