Daily Devotions


Day 160

Psalm 106:25a "But complained in their tents..."

Day 160 – Psalm 106

“But complained in their tents…” Psalm 106:25a


The children of Israel had a serious and chronic spirit of complaining. The following text highlights this grave problem.

“But complained in their tents,
And did not heed the voice of the LORD.”
Psalms 106:25

1. “But complained in their tents”

Here is a brief list of the history of the children of Israel complaining:-

a) At the waters of Marah (Exodus 15:24)
b) In the Wilderness of Sin (Exodus 16:2)
c) At Massah and Meribah (Exodus 17:3, 7)
d) Complaining about having only manna and no meat (Numbers 11:1-15).
e) Complaining that they would be conquered by the Canaanites (Numbers 14:1-4).

2. What did complaining achieve?

Absolutely nothing positive was achieved by complaining!

3. “And did not heed the voice of the LORD”

a) Grave danger was afoot when the spirit of complaining is not curbed.
b) Some of the dangers include the following:-
i) There was demoralizing of the people.
ii) There were unkind and even cruel words hurled at Moses and Aaron.
iii) The children of Israel was on the verge of deposing Moses as the leader and choosing another man to lead them back to Egypt (Numbers 14:4).
iv) They displeased God.
v) They did not heed the voice of God.
vi) Their souls had become lean.
vii) They had become carnal and were at enmity with God.