Daily Devotions


Day 246

Psalm 113:7a "He raises the poor out of the dust..."

Day 246 – Psalm 113

“He raises the poor out of the dust…” Psalm 113:7a


The psalmist’s revelry in his thought about God caused him to dwell on His glorious works.

“He raises the poor out of the dust,
And lifts the needy out of the ash heap,
That He may seat him with princes-
With the princes of His people.
He grants the barren woman a home,
Like a joyful mother of children.
Praise the LORD!”
Psalm 113:7-9

1. The glorious works of God (Psalm 113)

a) Astonishing deeds
b) Unheard of deeds
i) Raising the poor out of the dust.
ii) Lifting up the needy from the ash heap.

2. More than humanitarian aid

a) Humanitarian aid seeks to alleviate problems associated with the poor and needy.
b) But no one could ever do the things that God has done for the poor and needy.
i) The poor and needy has a chance to sit among the princes (outstanding success).
ii) The despised barren mother is now a joyful woman because God has granted her a home. Her heart is no more sad and morose!


Who else but the Lord would take the time and trouble to do these things? How should the heart respond but to offer resounding praise to the Lord!

1. The poor and needy would have extra special reasons to praise the name of God.

2. Those who have enjoyed outstanding success in life, despite very humble beginnings ought to have great reasons to praise God.