11 August 2013

The Calling of the Disciples

The Calling of the Disciples
Text: Matthew 4 , John 1, Mark 1

Rev Dr Charles Tan

Message Notes


1. From Galilee
a) Andrew          Matthew 4; John 1
b) Peter          Matthew 4; John 1; Luke 5
c) James          Mark 1; Matthew 4
d) John          Mark 1; Matthew 4
e) Philip          John 1
f) Nathanael          John 1
g) Matthew
2. General description of Calling
a) Jesus does the calling          Matthew 4:18
b) His word to them was to follow Him
c) He would in the process make them “fishers of men”          Matthew 4:19
d) They responded appropriately
3. More personal description of the calling of some of the disciples          John 1
a) Before they became disciples of Jesus
b) They were disciples of John the Baptiser          John 1:35
c) They had heard John mentioning that the Messiah, the Son of God was coming soon          John 1:29-34
d) John went on to identify Jesus as the Lamb of God when he baptised Him          John 1:29, 35
4. Two disciples were mentioned          John 1:35, 40
a) One was Andrew          John 1:40
b) The other disciple was not named (possibly John the author of the gospel)
5. Following Jesus
a) Andrew and John met up with Jesus and had a long chat with Him          John 1:39

(Tenth hour… about 4.00pm)

b) Andrew became convinced that he had indeed found the Messiah, the Son of God (implied)
c) He reaches out to his brother Peter          John 1:41
d) He speaks with great conviction that Jesus was the Messiah (The Christ)          John 1:41
e) Peter follows Andrew and meets up with Jesus          John 1:42
f) An unforgettable meeting with Jesus
g) Jesus called him “Cephas” (A Stone)          John 1:42


1. Formal invitation
a) Follow Me
b) I will make you fishers of men
2. The swift response of the disciples
a) They had spoken to Him earlier
b) They had been convicted in their hearts that Jesus was the Messiah
c) This explains why the Gospels said that they left their nets immediately and followed Jesus

Matthew 4:20, 22

3. They must have thought through matters carefully
a) If Jesus were to invite them to be His disciples
b) They would respond positively
c) They were not being irresponsible in leaving their all to follow Jesus
d) They would have spoken to their families about their decision to follow Jesus