Books of the Bible


Ecclesiastes   : Filter

Daily Devotionals

24 Dec 2020
"I set my heart to know wisdom"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:17

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

23 Dec 2020
"I communed with my heart"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:16

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

22 Dec 2020
"What is crooked cannot be made straight"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:15

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

21 Dec 2020
"All is vanity"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:14

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

20 Dec 2020
"I set my heart to seek and search out by wisdom"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:13

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

19 Dec 2020
"There is no remembrance of former things"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:11

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

18 Dec 2020
"There is nothing new under the sun"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:9

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

17 Dec 2020
"All things are full of labour"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:8

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

16 Dec 2020
"The sun also rises, and the sun goes down"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:5

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

15 Dec 2020
"One generation passes away"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:4

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

14 Dec 2020
"The words of the Preacher, the son of David"
Text: Ecclesiastes 1:1

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

21 Mar 2021
"Wisdom strengthens the wise"
Text: Ecclesiastes 7:19

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

23 Jan 2021
"God tests them"
Text: Ecclesiastes 3:18

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

04 Jan 2021
"I turned my heart and despaired"
Text: Ecclesiastes 2:20

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

01 Jan 2021
"This also is vanity"
Text: Ecclesiastes 2:15

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

31 Dec 2020
"Wisdom excels folly"
Text: Ecclesiastes 2:13

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

13 Dec 2020
Text: Ecclesiastes

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

09 Jan 2010
"Subjected to futility..."
Text: Romans 8:20

by Rev. Dr Charles Tan | Daily Devotions

05 Jun 2021
"Fear God and keep His commandments"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:13

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

04 Jun 2021
"Be admonished"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:12

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

03 Jun 2021
"The words of the wise"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:11

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

02 Jun 2021
"Words of truth"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:10

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

01 Jun 2021
"He still taught the people knowledge"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:9

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

31 May 2021
"The dust will return to the earth as it was"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:7

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

29 May 2021
"Man goes to his eternal home"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:5

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

28 May 2021
"When one rises up at the sound of a bird"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:4

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

27 May 2021
"When the grinders cease because they are few"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:3

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

26 May 2021
"And the clouds do not return after the rain"
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:2

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

24 May 2021
"Remove sorrow from your heart"
Text: Ecclesiastes 11:10

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

23 May 2021
"God will bring you into judgment"
Text: Ecclesiastes 11:9

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

22 May 2021
"Let him remember the days of darkness"
Text: Ecclesiastes 11:8

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

21 May 2021
"In the morning sow your seed"
Text: Ecclesiastes 11:6

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

20 May 2021
"As you do not know what is the way of the wind"
Text: Ecclesiastes 11:5

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

19 May 2021
"He who observes the wind will not sow"
Text: Ecclesiastes 11:4

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

18 May 2021
"Give a serving to seven, and also to eight"
Text: Ecclesiastes 11:2

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

17 May 2021
"Cast your bread upon the waters"
Text: Ecclesiastes 11:1

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

16 May 2021
"Do not curse the king"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:20

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

15 May 2021
"A feast is made for laughter"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:19

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

14 May 2021
"Because of laziness the building decays"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:18

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

13 May 2021
"When your king is the son of nobles"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:17

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

12 May 2021
"When your king is a child"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:16

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

11 May 2021
"The labour of fools wearies him"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:15

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

10 May 2021
"A fool also multiplies words"
Text: "A fool also multiplies words"

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

09 May 2021
"The end of his talk is raving madness"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:13

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

08 May 2021
"The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:12

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

07 May 2021
"A serpent may bite when it is not charmed"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:11

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

06 May 2021
"Wisdom brings success"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:10

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

05 May 2021
"He who quarries stones may be hurt by them"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:9

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

04 May 2021
"He who digs a pit will fall into it"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:8

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

03 May 2021
"An error proceeding from the ruler"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:5

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

02 May 2021
"Conciliation pacifies great offenses"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:4

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

01 May 2021
"He shows everyone that he is a fool"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:3

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

30 Apr 2021
"A wise man's heart is at his right hand"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:2

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

29 Apr 2021
"A little folly"
Text: Ecclesiastes 10:1

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

20 Jan 2021
"And God requires an account of what is past"
Text: Ecclesiastes 3:15

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

25 Sep 2020
"They will give an account to Him"
Text: 1 Peter 4:5

by Dr. Rev. Charles Tan

04 Feb 2003
False Ways of Interpreting the Law
Text: Matthew 5:21-48

by Rev. Dr Charles Tan | Daily Devotions

Other Articles

05 May 2024
Sunday School Special : Romans - Lesson 43
Text: Romans 8:18-22

by Rev Dr Charles Tan

26 Sep 2019
The Seasons Of Life
Text: Ecclesiastes 3

by Pastor Mark | Grace Works

24 Jul 2015
Be Diligent To Enter That Rest
Text: Hebrews 4:11

by Pastor Mitch