Daily Devotions
1 Corinthians
"For we know in part..."
Text: 1 Corinthians 13:9
Paul was very candid and honest when he wrote the following text. He minced no words at all. This was a humbling word to write.
“For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
But when that which is perfect has come,
then that which is in part will be done away.”
1 Corinthians 13:9-10
1. Knowledge and prophecy
a) Our mistake
i) We imagine that all the apostles and prophets had full knowledge of everything.
ii) Thus, they were able to write as well as they did!
b) Paul disagrees
i) He and the other apostles only knew in part.
ii) Similarly, the prophets also knew in part.
2. “But when that which is perfect has come”
a) This verse has been interpreted in a number of ways.
i) The “perfect” refers to “the second coming of Christ”.
ii) The “perfect” is a reference to “heaven”.
b) Often this verse is cited to argue for the permanence of spiritual gifts!
i) Since Christ has not come, therefore the spiritual gifts continue.
ii) Since heaven has not come, the spiritual gifts abide.
c) Some difficulties with the above views.
i) The context does not fit.
ii) The word “perfect” does not fit either.
d) The word “perfect” is normally used with things that grow to full maturity.
i) Obviously this does not fit the argument for the Return of Christ.
ii) Nor does it fit the idea of Heaven. (There is no “growth feature” at all in heaven.)
3. The only interpretation that makes sense
a) It is related to “prophecy,” “knowledge” and even “tongues”.
b) In the utility of these gifts, the word of God is communicated.
c) The Word of God may well be described as something that grows to full maturity.
When the Word has been fully given (“perfect”), these spiritual gifts will cease by themselves!