"Pursue love..."
Text: 1 Corinthians 14:1
It was the Lord Jesus who commanded His disciples to love one another (John 13:34-35). If fruit was a simple thing to possess, there would not be a need to use an imperative word to effect this. The fact is that love is not easy to come by, nor is it an easy fruit to cultivate. Love is a fruit of the Spirit of God (Galatians 5:22).
“Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts,
but especially that you may prophesy.”
1 Corinthians 14:1
1. “Pursue love”
a) This was written in the imperative mode.
b) The pursuit of love is not an option.
c) What is the significance of pursuing love?
i) An expression of obedience.
ii) An expression of wisdom (since “love” is the best virtue of all).
iii) The effort put in will result in bearing the fruit of love.
iv) The Lord’s command would then be fulfilled.
v) The church would not be torn by strife.
vi) Instead, the church would become that much stronger.
2. “Desire spiritual gifts”
a) The word “desire” was correctly employed.
b) There is a difference between “pursue” and “desire”.
c) The latter depends on many factors:
i) Whether the Lord would actually give the spiritual gifts desired.
ii) Whether it is within the historical time frame.
iii) Some of the gifts were not meant to last permanently.
iv) Thus, the desire to have spiritual gifts may not be granted.
3. “But especially that you may prophesy”
a) The gift of prophecy was a valid consideration in the time-frame of the first century.
b) This gift however had to be granted by the Lord.
c) The pursuit of this gift may not result in having it.
d) The will of God must be given every consideration.
e) Humble submission to the Will of God must be exercised.
f) The person who desires this spiritual gift must ensure that he would walk worthy of this gift.