Daily Devotions

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 
Day 185

"God is truly among you."

Text: 1 Corinthians 14:24-25


Paul did not merely offer negative comments. He offered them an alternative approach.

“But if all prophesy,
and an unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in,
he is convinced by all, he is convicted by all.
And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed;
and so, falling down on his face,
he will worship God and report that God is truly among you.”
1 Corinthians 14:24-25

1. “An unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in”

a) This is an important consciousness.
b) Paul was very aware of how the church must bear corporate witness for the Lord.

2. “But if all prophesy”

a) This gift is offered in contrast to the gift of tongues (foreign language)
b) The “prophets” share what they have learned from the Lord
c) It would be presented in a language that the uninformed and the unbeliever can understand

3. The positive responses of the uninformed and unbeliever

a) The secrets of his heart are revealed.
i) Sins are exposed.
ii) Consciousness of having a sinful heart is felt.
iii) Consciousness of the holiness of God impacts the individual.
b) He goes further.
i) He is convinced.
ii) He is convicted in his heart.
iii) He falls down on his face (in great humility before God).
iv) He ends up believing in God.
v) He offers worship to God too.
vi) He reports that God is truly in the midst of the worshippers.


Paul highlights the tremendous potential of a well-conducted Worship Service here.

1. God’s Presence will be felt.

2. It can lead people to find salvation in Christ Jesus the Lord.

3. Worship should impact not just the believer but also those who are uninformed and who are not believers. Every worship service should be well-planned and well-conducted!