Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 15

"If we keep His commandments."

Text: 1 John 2:3


It is easy to claim knowledge of God. Many actually possess intellectual knowledge of God. However John offers a different perspective.

“Now by this we know that we know Him,
if we keep His commandments.”
1 John 2:3

1. “Now by this we know”

a) John offers this special perspective.
b) “By this”
i) It may be translated “In this”.
ii) John speaks of present and active knowledge of God.

2. “That we know Him”

a) The first word “know” was written in the Present Tense.
b) The second “know” was written in the Perfect Tense.
i) There must of course be true knowledge.
ii) This knowledge has been garnered in over a period of time.
iii) This “past knowledge” impacts the present.
iv) True knowledge is therefore not mere information.
v) True knowledge has definite and practical ramifications!

3. “If”

a) The word “if” was included for good reason.
b) John wrote this to question people’s claim of knowledge of God.
c) The issue here is the keeping of God’s commandments.

4. “We keep His commandments”

a) If we know God truly
i) We would have the greatest respect for His commandments.
ii) We would desire to keep or guard His commandments carefully.
b) But if we do not keep His commandments

Can we then speak of truly knowing God? If a person truly has knowledge of how the Lord Jesus is our Advocate and also our propitiation, surely there would be a strong desire to keep His commandments!