Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 51

"Behold what manner of love..."

Text: 1 John 3:1


The Apostle John is affectionately known as “The Apostle of love”. He personally experienced the reality of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. That must have affected him profoundly. His writings reflect the fact that the love of God continued to impact his life and ministry.

“Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
that we should be called children of God!
Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.”
1 John 3:1

1. “Behold”

a) This was written in the Imperative Mode.
b) It strongly calls the reader: –
i) To see
ii) To pay attention
iii) To consider carefully

2. “What manner of love the Father has bestowed on us”

a) God’s love
i) Incomparable
ii) Unsurpassed
iii) Undeserved
iv) All-encompassing
b) “The Father”
i) God is described as Father.
ii) He becomes our Father because of our faith in the Lord Jesus (John 1:12).
iii) As Father He protects.
iv) As Father He provides.
v) As Father He loves.
c) “Has bestowed on us”
i) This simply means “given”.
ii) This was written in the Perfect Tense.
iii) His love was given from way back and has continuing ramifications.