Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 52

"That we should be called children of God!"

Text: 1 John 3:1


The phrase “children of God” is deeply profound and we are deeply challenged to give attention to appreciating this doctrine.

The Apostle John was deeply impacted by this teaching. As we read other portions of Scripture we understand why he was so greatly touched.

1. How do we become children of God?

a) Through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:12).
b) The Lord Jesus makes us the children of God (John 1:12).

2. Adoption as children of God

a) Called “sons of God” through faith in Christ (Galatians 3:26).
b) And if we are Christ’s we are “Abraham’s seed” (Galatians 3:29).
c) “And heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29).

3. “Sons of God”

a) God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts (Galatians 4:6).
b) The Spirit of God teaches us to cry “Abba, Father!” (Galatians 4:6).

4. “Adoption”

a) You received the Spirit of adoption (Romans 8:15).
b) The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. (Romans 8:16).
c) The Spirit leads the sons of God (Romans 8:14).
d) The Spirit of God is our Seal (Ephesians 1:13).
e) He is also our Guarantee (Ephesians 1:14; 2 Corinthians 5:5).

5. “Brethren”

a) The Lord Jesus calls us “brethren” (Hebrews 2:11).
b) He is not ashamed to be identified with us (Hebrews 2:11-12).
c) He acknowledges us as “children” before God (Hebrews 2:13).


As we read and meditate on the above texts, may our hearts be deeply moved. What manner of love the Lord God, our Heavenly Father, has bestowed on us! Let us be drawn to reciprocate God’s love. Let us determine to abide in His love forever. May we never forsake the great love of God! May we stand in rapturous awe of such a great God of love!